Thursday, December 29, 2011


1) I can do more than I give myself credit for
2) stack overflow is amazing
3)there's always more than one way to do it, some of them simple
4) I now know much better how to make a composite component that looks *really* good
(put a label right next to a field, did magic on the borders and background, so they look merged and they behave as the user expects them too)
5) I hate coughing

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

java debugging

learned a lot about debugging and ids!

use hashCode()) for a unique id in a new toString(); especially when the parent class has toString()  overriden in a way that is hard to read.

crocheting bunny ears

Today I learned that it's okay if I forget a stitch; the amigurumi book has them in the front.

plus, I keep affirming that I like knitting better.

but I also really like giving little girls home made toys :)

(maybe I should look up books for knitted little creatures....)

Monday, December 26, 2011


This is the start of my new blog, Learn something every day.

the "shiny" part is from firefly/serenity:  anything really nice or desirable is "shiny". 

Here is my place for posting things I've learned through life, reading, work, relationships, etc.

It's my notebook for keeping track of these things, hopefully learning them better (by writing them down!)

topics will range from software engineering, to cooking, baking, relationships, cats, knitting, sewing....a little bit of everything.

and my husband may guest post as well.